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Allan - 2952

I have been working with my guide Jenny for over 25 years.I am here to help you with any problems you may be going though in your life, I will work with you to give you sound advice. With Jenny's help, I would like to guide you to find that better path way, I will listen with a sympathetic ear and I am a honest and caring person, very understanding, even if you just want to talk to someone I am here. PIN: 2952

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Recent Reviews Of Allan


Miss you

Where are you Alan i havent chated for years .come om line

- Melissa, Bunbury


Thank you

Thank you from the lady at a standstill, you are the only person to pick this up , your reading resonated highly with me . I hope things come to pass

- Cdb, London


Messenger Reading 5*

I had a reading last night with Alan, he described my poi correctly and the situation around him. Alan and his guide Jenny gave me accurate details and reassured me about our relationship, thank you both so much, I will be calling again!

- Sandra, Hampshire


Certainly a yes from me!

Had a very interesting reading with Allen, hes really opened my eyes to a few things.

- adelle, Wokingham



Sorry I ran out of credit! Lovely reading from Allan and Jenny! I was so upset due to splitting up with my partner but Allan and Jenny reassured me and made me feel better about the situation! Hope the predictions come true! I will let you know what happens! Thank you once again for your guidance

- Elizabeth, Scotland


Spot on

He was spot on and confident. Thanks

- Starry, London


Predictions Happened

Alan has always been correct so correct and what he predicted has happened, even though I didn't see any possibility, he was confident, thanks Alan for showing the right path.

- Anonymous, Sydney


2nd Reading

Very quick tune in and answered questions without asking for information. Like him as a reader.

- Sue, Africa


Quick Tune In

No messing about - able to provide accurate reading with compassion and sensitivity even in fragile situations. Recommend

- Sue, UK



Thanks for an uplifting reading today Allan. You've given me a lot to be hopeful for, I will come back if the predictions come true. Thanks again xx

- Leighton, Brighton



- ,



Sorry Allan I ran out of credit, I just wanted to say thank you so much for the amazing reading you was lovely warm and kind made me feel so much better god bless I will be in contact soon xxxxxx

- Ana,


Neighbours from hell

Wow u r real deal u 2 thanks be back again sorry got cut off..blessings

- Connie B, Runcorn UK


You dont have to say anything and he can read you in an instant

Always picks up on my situation without me saying anything. Reassured me and got my anxiety levels down

- Sara, Australia


Nice Gentleman

He is a great person and spot on reader . He always encourages me to stay positive and wait for good time and I

- G, Wales


Good connection and genuine care for clients

Thank you Allan for your guidance and insights. Will be back to update as things change.

- Wini, UK


Lovely man

I found Allan to be very easy to talk to and he was receptive to what I had asked of him. A very calm and kind man who was truthful and understanding. Thank you Allan and Jenny

- Denise, Australia


Allan is a great reader has great insight to my problem.

- Lorna, Glasgow



Allan is a lovely man who was accurate with what he picked up. Gave me good advise, I will definitely call again. Thanks Allan :)

- Mary, Oz



I have had many readings with Allan and Jenny and never been disappointed yet. I come back time and again because of their accuracy and ability to really connect. Love our readings.....thank you.

- ,


Nice Man

Allan is so sympathetic, he genuinely tells you what Jenny relays to him, He is so lovely. There should be more people in this world like him. Thank you Allan.

- frances, Australia


Honest, Genuine Reader

I have had a few readings from Allan over the past couple of years and each time he has given me an honest, open reading...No matter the subject in question. Definitely Recommend. Many Thanks

- Emma, Perth, Australia


Amazing guy !!!

No tools, cards or questions! Allan just tells you what comes to him, and spot on! Thank you Allan for helping me with my insecurities and the advice you gave me. I was a mess before I spoke to you. But speaking to you has left me feeling calm and on the right track!!

- M, Melbourne


Lovely and spot on

I provided no information, nothing for him to try and guess and he picked up on my situation perfectly! The reading was short and sweet and to the point. I hope and pray his predictions are right. A lovely man to talk to would recommend

- Ria, Kent


Thank you for putting a smile on my face again.

Thank you Allan for an uplifting reading. Thank you so much for the lovely advise. Looking forward to the great prediction. God Bless you Allan thank you once again.

- Kuini,


Allan and Jenny are amazing

Thank you for all your help Allan and Jenny. You are an amazing team. I always get clarity and guidance whenever I have reached out to you - even for trivial matters! Thank you.

- kavita, London


Tuned IN

what I like about Allen, is no cards or tools - He just tunes in and gets the picture clearly! Helpful insights and well, we are the makers of our future and what He and others pick up are probable futures- some, but few are fixed in stone! So it's not fare to judge any psychic on their predictions- I consult as guidance rather then 100% predictions as things change day to day with our thoughts and actions! Thanks Allen for your help always good to talk with you - blessings and light LL X

- LL, UK


Really nice

Allan and Jenny are brilliant use them regularly.

- Sue, Derbyshire


Great reading

Thanks Allan and Jenny for an insightful reading. You've brought me alot of clarity into my challenging situation. No questions asked just picked up on things straight away. Looking forward to seeing how things turn out as you advised. Bless you

- Nikki, London, UK


Thank you

Thank you Allan and Jenny for the honest and insightful reading. God bless you both.

- Kay, London


I told Allan I didnt have a question but then off he went and just told me what his guide needed me to hear. He was very spot on and I just hope his predictions come about. Lovely man and I enjoyed his reading, highly recommend x

- , Scotland



Unfortunately our call got cut off but i feel really positive, relived and happy after our reading! You made me smile, thank you!

- Kristy, Australia


As always so nice to talk to

Allan I find strength always in your readings. You give me clarity and reassurance. New beginnings around the corner! Will be sure to give you an update soon.

- Deb, Alice Springs, Australia.



Always gets it I called him on a matter that was not going my way said it would turn around even when I said no it's not possible He was right

- Su, Coventry


Thank you

Allan was so right and a very caring person you put my mind at ease thank you It is a pity you don,t do email reading as well.

- jenny, Australia


An uplifting reading

Allan was so kind and understanding and put my mind at ease with the reading . While its to early to say for sure if what he says has come true. I have an extremely strong feeling it will . Thank you Allan

- Carolyn, WA


Thankyou Al

I still can't believe that I originally wanted to call but,you were logged off, so I get onto another reader,time runs out midway & I call that reader back to finish,and you answer!! And now you're logged off. It was just meant to be! And thankyou for giving me that strength I need. Will call soon with good news xo

- Deb, Alice Springs, Australia.


Thank you Allen had a lovely read and you have helped with you words today / night sorry we got cut off

- Sue, Australia


Great Guy

It was great speaking with Allan, he is really great guy to speak with. Very in tune and friendly with sound advice.

- Jackie, Australia



Thank u Allan for such a kind and compassionate reading. Although u say its not over im at the stage where I don't hope anymore its less painful. U got the persons mental state clearly. I chose u as a male reader for a male perspective and i am glad. Thank u.

- kt, perth WA


Gave a wonderful and confident reading

Allan I just wanted to thank you and Jenny for reassuring me that things were going to happen very soon. Your confidence and reassurance was just what I needed the other day. I'm sorry we got cut off before I could thank you. Looking forward to an exciting future with my soul mate.

- NM, Australia


irrelevant information

Took me on a wild goose hunt and gave me completely irrelevant information.

- MR, Australia


Wonderful Man

Sorry we were cut off Allan you uplifted me guided me and made me feel good . You are consistent positive you have encouraged me and kept my mind focused . A very big thank you for all that you do . God Bless you and Jenny . X

- Helena, North East


Gifted and calming

Allan and his guide are truly amazing. He is empathetic and sincere and always a pleasure to talk to. I recommend you have a reading with him. You won't be disappointed

- Angelica, London


Genuine Reader

Allan is lovely but also straight to the point. He tells you what you need to hear not what you want to hear. Really enjoyed my read and thank you for the truth and the encouragement. x

- L,



Allan and Jenny are not only intuitive they guide and reassure you if your on the right path . Give you strength and courage are warm and empathetic . Truly genuine warm intuitive if you want the truth and guidance for the future ring Allan and Jenny you won't be dissapointed Thank you Allan and Jenny for helping me Love and Light God Bless

- Helena, North East



Always a 'magic' reading Al. Talk again soon xo

- Deb, Alice Springs Australia



Spoke to Allan for the first time and he was incredible at picking up the situation without asking any questions. An amazing, warm, friendly reader. Looking forward to the predictionshoot materialising and will update when they do.

- Jess, London


Hope Again

Allan is truly an accurate, honest, enthusiastic and caring reader.Before my reading with Alan, I was feeling down and depressed from a broken relationship with my boyfriend. But after the reading I was left feeling very uplifted and assertive. Allan told me so much about my ex and myself, that are true.Very spot on! Allan was spot on with his reading,he encouraged me to be patient and wait for my ex, because we will rekindle again-which my inner feeling has told, before. I will definately be back to tell Allan to good news, and would definately recommend Alan to anyone. Thank you Allan, for giving me hope again. Blessings. x

- Megan, London



Was unsure turning to a male reader, but he was extraordinarily insightful accurate and kind. He and his guide are amazing. Thank you Allan, will call again.

- Ires, Melbourne


Sincere, caring, great man

Thanks again Allan for another uplifting reading! Your a caring man who always makes me feel better....

- J, Aust



What an amazing reader don't normally go to a man rare treat to stumble on Allan 5 stars true gift connects straight away no props real deal got situation right past present looking forward to future was in a mess going out mind allan made me see clearly and now have confidenc looming forward to the future x Allan lifts u and your energy blessed to have reading thank u love light brilliant u

- Angel wings, Berks



Thank you for the lovely reading . Lovely gentleman very intuned with wot was goin of around me . Sense of humour nice easy man to talk to . ;-) def be ring in back

- Carol, Notts


Real Deal

Allan is a straight talking very gifted guy with help from Jenny his fantastic spirit guide he described everything as if he'd been in my life watching everything ! Knew exactly what had happened and told me how things were going take shape and I believe everything will be fantastic ! A big thank you Allan I will call you and Jenny again . Bless You x

- Helena, North east England


Great guy

I call Alan a lot he is always right and he always puts my mind at rest . I've called About career and relationship matters and I always feel soo relieved after my readings .Very kind non judgemental gentleman and I would recommend Alan to anyone

- Melissa, Bunbury western Australia



Allan is great! I speak regularly to get updates regarding my love life and Allan is so understanding and patient; especially when he has to repeat the same things to me for most readings without being judgemental, so for that I am grateful. Thank you x

- Jess,



Great reading thank you

- Angel wings, Reading


Spot on

I just came off of a reading with Allan. Such a calm gentleman and spot on. Am amazing reader with a lot of positivity even though I was down he lifted my spirits and ensured that I was not only okay but told me the truth as well. I did a review before bit for some bizarre reason oh may not have gone through hut nevertheless I am doing a review because I am astounded as to the accuracy of his readings and am waiting for things to flourish which he predicted in 2015. I had my doubts but things are changing for the better again as he predicted. Thank-you very much Allan for all of your help and support in 2015 I really appreciate it and wish you not only a happy belated xmas but a wonderful new year as well, your amazing.

- Charlene, London


Tuesday 8 th dec 2015

Thank you . Lovely reading with a lovely gentleman . Honest genuine x picked up on situation instantly , one of the best can see why he's always busy ! Put my mind at ease :-) thanx again

- Carol, Uk


Lovely man

Sorry Allan ran out of minutes call got cut off! Thanks again for my reading your always spot on hope to talk to you again.

- Josie, Australia


Wonderful Reader

Had my second Reading with Allan and I would just like to say thanks again Allan for an uplifting Reading! You were accurate yet again in picking up what's going on around me! Feel so much better after speaking with you thanks so much Allan will definitely talk to you again!

- Jj, Australia


Lovely reader

Thanks very much Allan for a lovely reading! I feel so much better after talking to you! Your a kind and caring man with lots of knowledge! Thanks again J from Oz

- Jj, Australia


relationship delema

Been split from my ex for three months, Alan described his personality and what happened between us, says its not over and to expect contact from him, and we will be long term, will update when his predictions happens, thank you Alan your best excellent reader!!!

- bud, scotland


He helped me smile again...

I had am uplifting reading from Allan. A sweet man with a sense of humour, I felt so much stronger after my reading with him. He helped me smile again.

- Karen, Wirral